over the last 48 hours in fact!
whilst watching Sinbad the movie I commented how I could not see how it had anything to do with 'ack ack ack ack', eh says mr.B. you know, says I 'I'm sinbad the sailor man, I live in a caravan'. No, says Mr.B thats POPEYE!
and cleaning the living room? empty the bin and grab a new carrier bag to line it - then stand there wondering why I have a bin inside the carrier bag?!
and celebrity big brother tonight (yeah I know) Davina comments about Coolio spending most his life living in a gangsters paradise, but now living in a house in Hertfordshire just off the M25, ooo says I just up the road from us then? a withering look from mr.B as he reminds me the big brother house is in hertfordshire just off the M25.
O dear, I need a holiday!
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