Sunday, 23 May 2010

Loving the Weather

well to look at, I don't actually like being out in it - the humidity makes ME frizzy! some folk get frizzy hair in the humidity but I just become frizzy all over - especially my Brain!

But it has brought me out into the garden, yesterday was a productive day at the garden centre, and then planting out all the lovely veggy plugs we bought
I bought a couple of these fab planters, they are fabric bags - just brilliant this one is the smaller one designed for veggies and herbs.
and this one is deeper, with carrots and onions in it - with a row of Mange Tout against the fence next to it.
and of course no English garden is complete without Strawberries - My middle daughter chose 3 different varieties to put in this lovely new tub

dont think I have ever shared a picture of my mad cat, he is old beyond old - we got him about 13 years ago as a rescue cat, we don't know how old he was then, just that he was an adult cat. So he must be at least 14 years old - but is insane and acts like a kitten!
recently we treated our guinea pigs - Apricot and Brandy - to a new outdoor hutch and run from a really good online pet shop
They have lived indoors since we got them last February but felt they deserved a good romp around in the garden this summer

and finally I have to share these with you, on friday night I went to a Uni friends house to do some studying, only it turned out to be a bit of an impromptu hen night for another student who gets married in a couple of weeks
yes they are indeed jelly willys!
O dear I ahve just realised they are on a Charlie and Lola plate -t hat is so wrong, on many, many levels!

Friday, 21 May 2010


The first day of the rest of my life!
not the life I planned and certainly not the life I want.
But this is it, this is the one I have been given!

and as any of you who have been regular readers of my blogs for the last 3 years or so, will know that I love lists! Here is my 'this-is-what-is-left-of-2010-list'!

  • get a new tattoo (maybe 2 if I am feeling indulgent)
  • have my tongue pierced (yeah I am scared of that!)
  • pass my motorbike test (watch out world!)
  • get a bike to enjoy said licence
  • lose 20 pounds (damn married life!)
  • start an exercise regime.
Of course that is on top of getting on with this course (is it nearly the inter-semester break yet?!) and looking after the kids.

Today I met with a dear friend, Caroline. We had a mooch around the Vintage Emporium, where I treated myself to a pretty scarf, an unusual watch and a hat pin to hold my naughty beret in place (it is naughty because it slides off my head!)

We then had lunch at The Beech Tree, which amusingly used to be a toilet block! I have decided they do the best Chai Latte locally!

Caroline instructed me to make sure the flowers I was buying on the way home were bright, well Caroline I tried I hope these are bright enough - even if the beautiful bunch of lilac and pink flowers called me! And although I wanted to get an unusual vase in the Vintage Emporium, I ended up getting this twisted one from the supermarket!

Now I am getting ready to go to a friends house for a study night with a few of the girls - Anatomy and Physiology you will be mine!