Sunday 23 May 2010

Loving the Weather

well to look at, I don't actually like being out in it - the humidity makes ME frizzy! some folk get frizzy hair in the humidity but I just become frizzy all over - especially my Brain!

But it has brought me out into the garden, yesterday was a productive day at the garden centre, and then planting out all the lovely veggy plugs we bought
I bought a couple of these fab planters, they are fabric bags - just brilliant this one is the smaller one designed for veggies and herbs.
and this one is deeper, with carrots and onions in it - with a row of Mange Tout against the fence next to it.
and of course no English garden is complete without Strawberries - My middle daughter chose 3 different varieties to put in this lovely new tub

dont think I have ever shared a picture of my mad cat, he is old beyond old - we got him about 13 years ago as a rescue cat, we don't know how old he was then, just that he was an adult cat. So he must be at least 14 years old - but is insane and acts like a kitten!
recently we treated our guinea pigs - Apricot and Brandy - to a new outdoor hutch and run from a really good online pet shop
They have lived indoors since we got them last February but felt they deserved a good romp around in the garden this summer

and finally I have to share these with you, on friday night I went to a Uni friends house to do some studying, only it turned out to be a bit of an impromptu hen night for another student who gets married in a couple of weeks
yes they are indeed jelly willys!
O dear I ahve just realised they are on a Charlie and Lola plate -t hat is so wrong, on many, many levels!

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