Sunday, 1 August 2010


What a year.
A year of mixed emotions
A hard year on a personal, academic and work level.
But a year thats over! I survived, about to do my last few shifts as a first year student!

Its been hard, bloody hard - and if you are thinking of doing it you better have fire in your belly because you wont survive without it!

My fellow Student midwives have felt the same. There have been amazing highs (my first water birth, my first delviery, a mum saying thank you , passing my exams) and some incredible lows (births more like blood baths, women who are scared, women who do not educate themselves, failing assignments) but I live to fight another day

Here's to being a year 2 student midwife!


Unknown said...

Well done! Sounds a bit terrifying though,hope its a bit less bumpy next year...

Jeanette said...

You are amazing!Well done! x