I feel I neglect this blog a lot of the times.
I certainly dont keep you up to date with what is going on in my life, what is being thrown at me and how I am dealing with it.................................................................
So maybe its about time to come clean and tell you the biggest news that has happened to me this year....................................................
Something I have been hiding from you, scared to put the words on the blog cos it makes them real.......................................................
But worse things could happen, I still have my health, my children, my parents, my home, my sanity (only just)...............................................
But what I dont have anymore is my husband............................................
Earlier this year, after 14 years together and less than 3 years of marriage Mr. B told me he no longer loved me, and wasnt happy.
So thats it, 41 with 3 kids and 2 failed marriages, some parts of me have gone so far south you need a passport to visit them. And All Alone.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Ski Sunday!

the life and times of Mrs.B
OK well maybe not exactly Ski Sunday stuff. But maybe a bit of eddy the Eagle style fun for my 9 year old.The 9 year old, you may recall, is Autistic. Part of her diagnosis is symptoms of ADHD, which in short means she has FAR TOO MUCH ENERGY! She is constantly on the going and sitting still is not something she looks upon favourably!
Although not a fantastic sportswoman she loves having a go - street dance, netball, swimming, yoga, trampolining, cycle to name a few. So when I found out about the new Snow Centre near us I thought it would be a great idea for her to try.
She is very excited about giving it a go - after we explained to her that it was actually near Aunty Judes and not somewhere in an aeroplane!
Watch this space for an update - maybe this will be her 'thing' and could lead to the excitment of ski lessons!
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Just Brilliant!

That is the best way I can describe my week on Triage.
I love it! So much variety, So much experiences.
So much experience at monitoring pregnant women!
And I even got to deliver a surprise baby on the ward (whoops!)
Shall be sad to leave, tomorrow is my last day - definately a cake day!
Next week theatres..........................................
totally retro, blast from the past!
Don't tell 'em about the honey mummy!
If you are of a certain age like me, you might remember the excitement when your Mum actually bought something more exciting than weetabix on her weekly shop with her shopping trolley!
The honey monster is a key figure in my youthful breakfasting. So when laying eyes on a box of these I thought 'well why not!'
I brought the box arrived on Saturday morning at chez moi. After a breakfast bowlful each saturday and sunday, and also a bowful (without milk) each for movie snack instead of popcorn - and the lot was gone!
Yup a huge hit, and the games on the box have kept the kids amused for sometime.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
It's October 2010
And so one week into year two and...................................
I feel no different, but I have had a brilliant week visiting GOSH, spending a night shift with the paramedics and observing a consultant in his fetal medecine clinic. Yes I am knackered!
Next week is a week on maternity triage, which will be the last maternity related placement I will have in 2010 - after that its general nursing!
I feel no different, but I have had a brilliant week visiting GOSH, spending a night shift with the paramedics and observing a consultant in his fetal medecine clinic. Yes I am knackered!
Next week is a week on maternity triage, which will be the last maternity related placement I will have in 2010 - after that its general nursing!
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