For those not in the know, the picture above is of 4 year old Suri Cruise (daughter of Kelly Holmes and Tom Cruise) yes 4 years old. Apparently the choice of footwear was hers. I am all for giving children freedom, independence and choice. But surely as parents we should guide our kids?
Interestingly Clarks Shoes have offered to step in and fit Suri with a pair of shoes which would be better for her feet!
Here is their press release of the matter
Clarks offer to step in to save Suri’s feet
As Tom Cruise defends his daughters’ choice of high-heeled shoes in an interview with GMTV this week, leading footwear specialist Clarks, have offered to expertly measure & fit Suri Cruise with shoes.'
With recent trends highlighting the addition of a heel as the new ‘must have’ accessory for girls under the age of ten, Clarks has offered to step in and provide Suri with equally fashionable party shoes that are also well fitted, comfortable and promote healthy growing feet. Their hope is to make parents aware of the potential health issues that high heeled shoes can cause for their child’s developing feet.
With around 70% of foot problems coming from wearing the wrong footwear or ill-fitting shoes, Clarks is concerned over the negative effects this new trend may have. Bob Hardy, Foot Fitting Manager for Clarks International comments:-
“Children’s feet are made up of pliable bone that is not yet fully formed, which unfortunately means that they’re prone to being bent out of shape without parents even noticing.
Unsuitable or badly fitting shoes can prevent natural growth and cause discomfort, leading to health problems in later life that could adversely affect a child’s walking development.
We urge all parents to get their children’s feet expertly measured & fitted for shoes so they can be sure their child’s foot bones are developing in the correct way.”
Clarks also recently offered its support to the Mumsnet ‘Let Girls be Girls’ campaign, which asks retailers to pledge that they will only offer products that don’t play upon, exploit or emphasise children’s sexuality.
On GMTV Tom Cruise replied to the query over Suris footwear by pointing out that in Spain children wear heeled flamenco shoes from a young age. I wore plimsolls from a very young age (you got to love growing up in the 70's) but I know its not good for my feet to be enclosed in them all day!
I wore Clarks shoes as a child, I hated it. They were boring, plain and the same year in year out. But have you seen them lately? Very pretty, and there are some more 'grown up' styles for the older kids. Yes I am concentrating on girls shoes, but then I have only daughters myself and lets face it do boys really care whats on their feet?
OK so you can now order Clarks kids online, although they can only be picked up in store so the fit is checked properly, but if you already have an idea of the child's foot size you can order a couple of pairs in ready to get fitted - thus avoiding said child's disappointment of there being nothing in their size.
You could always use this video on youtube which Clarks have created to check to see how your child's shoes are doing - might even avoid the stressful trip to the shoe fitters!
Try not to think of it as 'drugging up' but more a redress of the Endocrine System balance. Hormones are funny old things and can take a lifetime to sort out - luckily for your child (and you) looks like your Endocrinologist go the diagnosis bang on.
Mrs Fink.
You think little Suri has problems, check this out... http://news.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/hi/newsbeat/newsid_7470000/7470077.stm
I am truly disgusted at that Mrs. Fink
I couldn't believe it when I saw that picture of Suri - does fame and fortune addle your brain? It sure looks like it!! But you're right, there are some lovely shoes out there for kids so why resort to high heels???
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