Inspite of the workmen arriving an hour later than promised, and the office chappy not coming out to take my door key the work is well underway! They have decided to do the downstairs loo next week, so here are a few before shots of the upstairs bathroom.
The first thing they did was wrap my stairs carpet in bubble wrap! honestly it is - such fun walking up and down stairs now, and no way Mr.B or the teenager can sneak in late at night!
I did go out for the day, as I suspected it would be a very noisey day - and I was right by the looks of it on my return - the suite had been completely changed and all the tiles had been ripped
off the walls, as well as the flooring and woodchip removed!
I have had a bath in there already, and even managed to wash my hair despite there being no shower attachment, good old jug! Monday I shall be going out to work before they arrive, and by the time I get back they will be done, and as they tidy up so well behind themselves it will be like having bathroom fairies in!
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