Wednesday 19 December 2007

lots of people and a moment of moist eyes!

whats going on then?

Being a shockingly nosey person, I put a visitor counter on this blog, generally I get a steady plod of 3 - 5 visitors a day

But today I have had 21 visits! Why the interest? what have I said thats so amazing - wish I knew!

Today we went to watch smallest child (3 in February) in her school play, she was an evil monkey in The Wizard of Oz! mmmmmm well cast methinks! Joking aside though, it was fantastic the story was reworked by the drama club and they even choreographed the dancing themselves - all the kids in the school were included from the littliest nursery pupil to the top of year 6 (although it is a very small school!) but fantastic, and yes I shed a tear or 2!

1 comment:

MF said...

I came acros your blog as it's title and content were very similar to my own!
Keep up the good work.
Mrs Fink.