Monday, 31 December 2007
on the 6th, 7th and 8th day of Christmas..........................
think of it as a hold up in the postal system!
Did you know that Swans mate for life? If their partner dies they live alone for the rest of their lives.......................that is so romantic, but i doubt a swan thinks its romantic! It's just what it does. Shame more humans can't be like that instead of 'flitting' from one partner to another, maybe then there would be no need for the CSA or family courts, or children of divorced parents growing into confused and angry adults?
On the Fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me....................

Thats more like it!
A truly romantic gift, was it an engagement ring?
And although I know it refers to the 5 books of the old testament
the day this should have been posted - 28th December - I spent a rather stressful time with my Dad, whilst never the easiest person to get on with, this week was just 'special' when we arranged the day he said to me 'don't get here before 11' which to me means be there sometime after 11! thanks to a clothing crisis (me, why do I always forget to do my laundry over Christmas?), tantrums (middle child) and a lorry from Italy driving far too slowly along a road far to narrow for it, got to love sat navs eh?! Anyway we got there at noon - not good enough apparently, he was cross and after being there for a couple of hours it was obvious we had to leave. I appreciate they had to get back to sort out the dog, but I am not sure Dad had to make it so obvious he wanted us to leave!
Friday, 28 December 2007
on the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me............................

mmmmmmmm well I am assuming the author didn't mean a group of birds on a party line, so some research into the true meaning is needed.
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
but as they are typically portrayed as Angel, Lion, Ox and Eagle I am not sure how they got demoted to four calling birds!
Monday, 24 December 2007
on the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me.............................

The 3 french hens signify Faith, Hope and Charity
very good sentiments indeed.
Hope, yup always have plenty of that, I hope I will make it through another day without throttling the kids, I hope I can keep up with my coursework, I hope there is enough money in the bank to pay the bills. But most of all I hope for peace and harmony, for my children to grow up strong, brave and wise, and for me and my family to keep our good health.
Charity, mmmmmmm well everyone has their own individual take on Charity. Some will drop coins in a box and consider that their bit, some will stand and shake that box. Others give up their time to help others or ensure all their shopping and gifts are ethically bought. Me? I think Charity is about thinking of others with every act we make and doing what we can to make the world a nicer, kinder, brighter place.
Now onto it being Boxing Day - I have often idly wondered why it was called that, but never that bothered to look it up, so tonight I have and here is what I found
Why is 26 December called Boxing Day in England?
Traditionally, this was the day to open the Christmas Box to share the contents with the poor.
interesting, goes hand in hand with the french hens - faith in those who have to help those who have not, hope of the poor for the box to be shared with them and Charity from those who share
I hope Christmas has bought you cheer and goodwill and lots of love and kindness from those dear to you
Sunday, 23 December 2007
good stuff, bad stuff
On the Second day of Christmas my true love sent to me.............

2 Turtle Doves refers to the Old and New Testaments
dont' know why, but apparently it does, maybe someone could enlighten me?
So today is Christmas day (well tomorrow, I am posting this on the eve, my family are very tolerant of me but internet time on Christmas day is a big no-no!) a day of hope, love and good will. A day when we can relax and enjoy the company of the ones we love. we are spending the day at home with Mr.B's Brother and his Wife (Uncle D and Auntie J) visiting. I hope middle daughter won't have too many meltdowns, I hope smallest daughter will understnad that not ALL the presents under our tree are for her, and I hope eldest daughter will manage a whole day without a teenage strop or nasty dig at her sisters or stepdad *sigh* I can live in hope.
Merry Christmas everyone I hope you have a wonderful and restful time, and I hope all your dreams and wishes come true.
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me.............
A partidge in a pear tree
The popular song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" is usually seen as simply a nonsense song for children. However, some have suggested that it is a song of Christian instruction dating to the 16th century religious wars in England, with hidden references to the basic teachings of the Faith. They contend that it was a mnemonic device to teach the catechism to youngsters. The "true love" mentioned in the song is not an earthly suitor, but refers to God Himself. The "me" who receives the presents refers to every baptized person who is part of the Christian Faith. Each of the "days" represents some aspect of the Christian Faith that was important for children to learn.
I had planned a lovely romantic dinner for Christmas eve, it is our first married christmas after all, and in line with the first true love gift I had thought a lovely meal of partridge followed by pears soaked in coffee. But as Tesco didn't deliver the Partridge (sent 2 poussin instead!) and I forgot to buy the tin pears, we will make do with roast beef and yorkshire puds instead!
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
lots of people and a moment of moist eyes!
Being a shockingly nosey person, I put a visitor counter on this blog, generally I get a steady plod of 3 - 5 visitors a day
But today I have had 21 visits! Why the interest? what have I said thats so amazing - wish I knew!
Today we went to watch smallest child (3 in February) in her school play, she was an evil monkey in The Wizard of Oz! mmmmmm well cast methinks! Joking aside though, it was fantastic the story was reworked by the drama club and they even choreographed the dancing themselves - all the kids in the school were included from the littliest nursery pupil to the top of year 6 (although it is a very small school!) but fantastic, and yes I shed a tear or 2!
Friday, 7 December 2007
O boy O boy O boy!

I have been full time Mumming for 7 years now - more or less to the day - after middle child was born, I decided not to return to work after my maternity leave finished.
So apart from raising 3 daughters, keeping house, being a good (hahahaha) wife, being a Brownie guider, running my own business until youngest child arrived, plus voluntary work with the toy library and the NCT, and now my OU course - I havent really done anything with my time (do you notice the tongue in cheek tone there?)
But now the time has come for me to take a break from my long term relaxation and to think about getting a job!
One such thing caught my eye a week or so ago in our local paper, I phoned for a form, received it, completed it (first application form in a very long time) and posted it back.
And today - surprise surprise - I had a phonecall inviting me in for an interview, a week on Monday.
I haven't had an interview for a job in over a decade! So to say I am nervous is an understatement!
and the job? Cook at our local firestation - yum yum
Saturday, 24 November 2007
life is like a box of chocolates

and sometimes it really is.
our middle daughter (6, soon to be 7) has always had a complicated outlook on life (she is being assessed for Autism) and things have to be handled very carefully with her (think hand grenade with no pin!)
And so to the point, she sucks her thumb, has done from just a few weeks old, but now as she has lost one top tooth, with another wobbly one next to is and 2 new teeth coming through at the bottom - not to mention repeated episodes on TW - we have decided it is time to stop the habit.
Not like me really, I usually follow the path of least resistance when it comes to the kids and let them give things up when they are ready, and it hasn't caused any problems (see oh marvelous Health visitor, my almost 16, 7 and 3 year olds do not sleep in my bed, despite your doom mongering about 'rod for your own back'!)
and so after a lot of thinking, talking to other mums who have gone down this path, and of course discussion with middle child we ordered THUMBGUARDS from the states, they are available in this country but with the Dollar being so week I thought I would save us a few pennies, and I would have too if the meddling customs folks hadnt slapped a charge of £13.66 on the parcel grrrrrrr. And worse it was stuck in customs for 3 weeks, so the lovely preparation I had done with middle daughter had all been forgotten!
Anyhoo customs notice arrived Saturday, I collected it Monday, and attempted to get middle child to wear it on Wednesday ~ no chance!
So after a lot of chat and negotiation it was decided that Friday night would be the night, with great excitement the instrument of torture was applied (if you are interested she chose green and purple for her wrist bands, she sucks both thumbs so has to wear it on both hands!) and the evening commenced.
We had take away pizza, which she managed to eat without getting too messy. We watched a DVD and she got to stay up a good hour after her usual bedtime. poor mite didn't know what to do with herself as she normally sucks her thumb when watching TV, so she was a bit of a fidget.
Finally the time arrived, and with much fear of tantrums and crying and sleepless nights we put her to bed.
And the next thing I know is its 8am (an unheard of lie in!) and she has woken up from a peaceful thumbless night, very very pleased with herself.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
and whilst we are on the subject
'mummy, mummy my nose isn't working'!
poor mites noses was bunged up and she couldn't suck her fingers (essential sleeping aide!) and breath. Awwwwwwwwwwww
how many vegetables in a box of cereal?
'whats a calbrese?'
Dad replied
'its a vegetable'
to which middle daughter replied
'there is a 111 vegetables in my cereal'
think she meant calories?
Sunday, 11 November 2007
I will survive, did you think I would leave you dying....

Mr.B is a bit of a D.J. and a good one at that in my opinion! Anyway the one song he can't stand is 'I will survive' he says its the womans anthem, and all brides ask for it at their weddings.
Well let me be controversial and say if thats our biggest crime - what say you men when I say how comes you get away with 'Two little boys' at every stag do and kareoke night!?!
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Never having introduced myself formally.............

and yet there is so much you could know about me, just by reading this and my first blog.
- I like Nick Knowles
- I don't sew as much as I want to
- Mr.B & me have been courting for over a decade
- Mr.B can't spell!
- I have some wonderful friends, Caroline, Jude, Krystle, Elaine, Pippa to name a few
- I love food and shoes, and food and shoes oh and food and shoes!
- Mr.B carelessly lost his job
- my Spelling and grammar are terrible
- I had 14" of hair cut off last year
- I have 3 beautiful daughters
- I am a Brownie Guider, and Mr.B is a scout leader
- we drive an old banger
- I have lost nearly 2 stone in weight thanks to weight watchers
- I have my eyebrows waxed and my nails done!
- I am a member of freecycle
- For a brief while, we kept chickens
- I like, like, like shopping at Milton Keynes
- I live in St. Albans, and it rained a lot here in August
- I am not a vegetarian!
- I fart a lot
- I am a pirate called Calico Charity Bonney
- I am under 45
- I can cook, and really enjoy it
- I am doing an OU course
- Mr.B rides a motorbike
Saturday, 3 November 2007
whilst wandering around blogger land.................
hours of entertainment.....................................................................
Sunday, 28 October 2007

So is that A.D.D? or just mind numbingly bored from reading about formats, standardisation.................................................................... I will complete this course!
Wednesday, 24 October 2007

- middle child if I say I cant afford lunch in the cafe having a tantrum in town does not help
- Britannia building society, having 1 member of staff on duty at lunchtime on a market day is dumb
- general public, I know you are having a lovely day out but when you suddenly stop dead in your tracks on a packed pavement to gawp at a market stall I will end up ramming the buggy into your legs - no point giving me 'that' look
- Mr. NCP man, if I come to you and tell you my car I has broken down on the third floor with no lifts working and ask you what happens about the exit ticket whilst am waiting for the AA don't shrug your shoulders and say 'not my problem' when I am obviously harassed, hanging on to 2 (very hungry) kids having carried the buggy and shopping and the small child up 3 flights, and then had to carry child back down 3 flights to get help and then with the prospect of carrying them back up again! and then look on in amazement as I burst into tears
- Argos man - if you have an offer advertised in your brochure and it doesn't go through the till, I don't care - just sort it
- post office lady, £42.30 - £21.50 is not £15. no matter how many times you try to work it out on a piece of paper. use a calculator
Thursday, 18 October 2007

I am going to use this blog to have a little rant about all the twits who drive cars with no regard for other road users.
He said as it was happening all he could think was 'this is going to hurt'
after it happened he thought 'that wasn't so bad'
Tuesday, 16 October 2007

You got it, beef stew and mash - although once again noses were turned up by the younger 2, but I guess they will catch on soon enough - eat or go hungry!
beef stew
serves 5
5 points per serving
625g lean braising steak, diced
1 onion chopped
5 rashers lean smoked back bacon, chopped
2 sticks celery, chopped roughly
2 large garlic cloves, crushed
500g tin chopped tomatoes
375ml beef stock
200g small mushrooms
- preheat oven gm2
- lightly SEASON beef and brown in lfs in a CASSEROLE, in 2 batches, removing to a plate as it browns
- spray casserole with a bit more fat, and cook onion, bacon and celery over a high heat for 5 minutes
- stir in garlic and cook for 30 secs, then add tomatoes, beef stock and browned beef
- season stew bring to simmer, cover and cook for 45 mins
- stir in mushrooms pushing them down into the liquid, then replace lid and cook for a further 45 minutes
serve with mash
Spent the afternoon at the main town library, trying my best to study
Hey I like kids, after all I have 3 of my own, and fair play to her she was getting help to fill out forms to start a college course and get childcare help...................
But is the study section of a library really the place to sit with a pre school kid and chat about it?!
Monday, 15 October 2007
the big cook-off!
So my personal challenge was to fill it! but not with 'mums gone to Iceland' type of stuff, but with good, wholesome, healthy, tummy homecooked meals - well OK homecooked meals anyway!
Last Monday I did the big tesco online food order, on Thursday the big delivery came, and on Friday my alram clock rang out at 5am and the cooking began!
Apart from the school runs, and a pee break or 2 I didnt stop cooking until 7pm!
At that point I lost the will to live, so stopped for the night for fish and chips. The table laden with meals cooling down, and the fridge full of ingredients for more meals.
Saturday morning no alarm, but up at 9 and cooking again until 3pm.
And there on my table were 29 different meals, all pointed to the weight watchers plan. a lot of chopping, peeling, washing up and clearing up.
But now I can be Mrs. Smug at every meal time (except Sundays when we will have a good ol' fashioned roast) when my family will eat well without a miserable Mrs.B having slaved in the kitchen.
Tonight it came into its own. Brownie night for me, Rainbows for middle child - normally a hectic mad evening of corner cutting meals, but not tonight oh no! tonight we had;
cottage pie
serves 5
complete with dry fried leeks and button mushrooms. Yum Yum - well 3 out of 5 of us thought so, middle and smallest children turned their noses up - but hey theres no pleasing the under 8's when it comes to mealtimes is there?
Sunday, 30 September 2007
conversation with 6 year old

picture the scene, Me and two small daughters, aged 6 and 2. almost bed time, watching the bedtime hour on cbeebies. In the night garden. I am curious, never having really watched it before and I am asking about all the characters.
small person (SP): thats the pinkyponk
me: indeed
SP: it goes slow, and the generator tells it to hurry up.
me: oh?
voice on TV says 'hurry up pinkyponk'
me: did you mean NARRATOR?
sometimes the things they say are priceless they really are!
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
So! what is this blog for?
Is this going to be my own ramblings? will it have a purpose? will anyone read it? will anyone want to read it?

who knows?
- go to the opera. Not just go to an opera, but have a box, get dressed up, go for a meal etc etc, the grand stuff.
- visit a sushi bar
- own a pair of JimmyChoos - OK I know thats sad!
- have a spa holiday
- have dinner at Sopwell House Hotel
Monday, 17 September 2007
I am a Pirate
My pirate name is:
Calico Charity Bonney

Often indecisive, you can't even choose a favorite color. You're apt to follow wherever the wind blows you, just like Calico Jack Rackham, your namesake. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
part of the network